Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom

180,00 £



Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom: Unlock Your True Potential

Are you ready to take your bodybuilding journey to the next level? Look no further than Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom. This cutting-edge growth hormone supplement is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals faster and more efficiently than ever before. With its potent formula and impressive benefits, Pharmatropin is the ultimate choice for both beginners and experienced bodybuilders.

Unleash Your Full Potential

Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom is meticulously crafted to provide you with the tools you need to unlock your true potential. Whether you’re aiming to build lean muscle mass, enhance your athletic performance, or improve your overall physique, this product is your secret weapon.

Pharmacological Action

Pharmatropin works by stimulating the production and release of growth hormone in your body. This hormone plays a crucial role in muscle growth, fat metabolism, and overall body composition. By increasing the levels of growth hormone, Pharmatropin helps you build lean muscle mass, burn stubborn fat, and improve your body’s recovery time.

Benefits of Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom

  • Accelerates muscle growth and repair
  • Enhances fat burning and metabolism
  • Improves athletic performance and endurance
  • Boosts energy levels and stamina
  • Enhances recovery time between workouts
  • Promotes overall body composition and definition

Possible Side Effects

While Pharmatropin is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. These may include:

  • Temporary water retention
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in the extremities
  • Joint pain or stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Increased blood pressure

It’s crucial to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Methods of Use and Dosage

Pharmatropin is available in a convenient injectable form. For beginners, it is recommended to start with a dosage of 2-4 IU per day, divided into two equal administrations. Experienced bodybuilders may increase the dosage up to 6-8 IU per day, depending on their individual goals and tolerance.

It’s important to note that Pharmatropin should be used for a minimum of 3-4 months to experience optimal results. To ensure the best absorption, injections should be administered subcutaneously in the abdominal area or intramuscularly.

Why Choose Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom?

When it comes to growth hormone supplements, Pharmatropin stands out from the crowd. Here’s why:

  • Pharmatropin is produced by Pharmacom, a trusted and reputable pharmaceutical company known for its high-quality products.
  • Each vial of Pharmatropin contains 100 IU of pure, pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone, ensuring maximum potency and effectiveness.
  • The product undergoes rigorous testing and quality control measures to guarantee its purity and safety.
  • Pharmatropin is backed by numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced remarkable results.
  • With Pharmatropin, you can expect accelerated muscle growth, improved fat metabolism, enhanced athletic performance, and an overall transformation of your physique.

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Take your bodybuilding journey to new heights with Pharmatropin 100 IU Pharmacom. Unlock your true potential and achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of. Order your supply today and experience the power of Pharmatropin!

Additional information

Active substance


Amount of substance, I.U.


Release form


1 bottle, ml


Bottles per pack, pcs





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